This whole article resonated with me, but the part I wanted to talk about today was in the last part of the article when he says:
I want people to do things that are hard. The most difficult things I have done in my life have been the best things I ever did. They are also the things that have eventually brought me the most happiness.
I came to this realization about a year and a half ago. It came in more of a "seize the day" sort of way. "Start going out there and living your life" sort of way. "Start doing hard things or your life will not be very fulfilling" sort of way. We know adoption will not be easy and we know that even preparing as much as possible there will be hard things we don't know about, but we also know that eventually it will be a fulfilling and happy life (not perfect). I true believe that. We are not afraid to do hard things. But with that being said we still need a support system to help us through this just like anyone who goes through hard things in their lives. So please be apart of our village and help use bring home our child(ren).